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minimum term

См. также в других словарях:

  • term — The period of time during which a contract is in force. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. term term 1 [tɜːm ǁ tɜːrm] noun 1. [countable] a word or expression that has a particular meaning, especially in a technical or scientific subject:… …   Financial and business terms

  • Minimum viable population — (MVP) is a lower bound on the population of a species, such that it can survive in the wild. This term is used in the fields of biology, ecology, and conservation biology. More specifically MVP is the smallest possible size at which a biological… …   Wikipedia

  • Term limits in Oregon — Term limits legislation – term limits for state and federal office holders – has been a recurring political issue in the U.S. state of Oregon since 1992. In that year s general election, Oregon voters approved Ballot Measure 3, an initiative that …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum Safe Altitude Warning — (MSAW) is an automated warning system for air traffic controllers (ATCO). It is a ground based safety net intended to warn the controller about increased risk of controlled flight into terrain accidents by generating, in a timely manner, an alert …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum alveolar concentration — or MAC is a concept used to compare the strengths, or potency, of anaesthetic vapours;[1] in simple terms, it is defined as the concentration of the vapour in the lungs that is needed to prevent movement (motor response) in 50% of subjects in… …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum harmonisation — is a term used in European Union law. If a piece of law (usually a directive, but also a regulation on occasion), is described as minimum harmonisation, that means that it sets a threshold which national legislation must meet. However, national… …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum efficient scale — (MES) or efficient scale of production is a term used in industrial organization to denote the smallest output that a plant (or firm) can produce such that its long run average costs are minimized. Contents 1 Computing 2 Relationship to average… …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum Efficient Scale — (MES) is a term used in industrial organization to denote the smallest output that a plant (or firm) can produce such that its long run average costs are minimized. This concept is useful in determining the likely market structure of a market.… …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum detectable signal — (MDS) in a radio receiver is the smallest signal power that can be received at its input, processed by its conversion chain and demodulated by the receiver, resulting in usable information at the demodulator output. Contents 1 Equation 2… …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum distance — This article is about minimum distance. For minimum distance estimation, see Minimum distance estimation. The term minimum distance is used in several ways: In geometry, the minimum distance of a collection of points P in a space is the smallest… …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum wage — A minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers. Equivalently, it is the lowest wage at which workers may sell their labour. Although minimum wage laws are in effect in a great many… …   Wikipedia

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